Friday, June 8, 2012

true friend

what is a true friend/friends??????????????????? we will never know untill we facing with difficulties.... and today, u just broke my heart dear my true friend.....

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

love life

Everything in our life happen for a reason. what's supposed to happen will happen. sometimes things happens to you may seem horrible, painful and unfair at first, but in reflection you will find that without overcoming those obstacles, you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower and heart. 
Injury, illness,love, lost moments of true greatness, lost someone that you love occur to test the limits of your soul. without this obstacles in life, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight flat road to nowhere. it would be safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless. 
Life is too short to wake up with regrets. so, love the people who treat you right, forget the one who dont. believe things happen for a reason. if you get the second chance grab it with both hands. 
Make everyday count. appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can because you may never be able to experience it again. you deserve to make your life worthy. if you fall down, find the courage to get back up and get back on your feet. so, you can take off once again. believes in yourself and your destiny once again. dreams as high as possible, spread your wings and lastly fly to your heart.. :)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

aku terima nikahnya...

patutkah terima lamaran seseorg jika hati belum bersedia?
patutkah terima lamaran seseorg atas dasar simpati?
patutkah terima lamaran seseorg jika hati tkt disakiti?

YA ALLAH, sesungguhnya hamba Mu ini tidak mmpu mberi keputusan tnpa ada cahaya petunjuk dari Mu... bantulah ak mencari jalan kebahagian.. jalan penyatuan hati 2 insan bernama teman sepanjang hayat.....

Friday, January 13, 2012

s o a l h a t i

YA ALLAH, ak mohon padaMU berikanlah ak kekuatan untuk menerima cinta dia... seorg manusia yg tulus... namun hatiku masih lagi tegar.. tidak mampu mberi hati ini pada sesiapa.. pada seorg insan bernama llki... hati ak dilukai oleh llki... bgaimana ak mmpu utk bangkit kembalikn rasa cinta ini pada llki... ak x mampu YA ALLAH.. hnya mmpu berdoa supaya jodoh yg tepat dtg padaku suatu hari nnt....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


assalam... right now im really touching.. pelik kan manusia.. nk emo x btempat... tlg slh x tlg pun slh... xpelah.. lpas ni ak xnk tlg dh.... dh hmpir 2 tahun lebih ak mcari diri ak... ak cari dir ak yg hilang. sekrg bila ak dh jmpa org plak kata ak berubah... diaorg xprnah rasa sakit yg ak rasa... diaorg x ada ditmpat ak.. yg ak nmpk, diaorg hnya nk tgk ak jatuh... btl pepatah dlm 3 idiots tu kwn kite akn sedih bila tgk kite dibwh, tp lg sedih bila kite berada di atas.... actually i dont really like when people trying to judge me without know my real situation... :'(

Sunday, January 8, 2012


hello mello... today is the most critical damn day for me.. i have no mood for study... argh, i have to study to get a great3 pointer... damn, why exam oriented is really important to measure our abilities.. so, spnjg study week ni, ak lpak2 dgn kwn2 ak dekat pusat persatuan pelajar kat utem. berkampung kat cni.. konon2 study,.. tp hampeh,,, lyn movie.. internet laju kot... hahaha... apepun ak seronok.. seronok study santai2 mcmni.. tp bila dh last2 minute poning jugak kepala den ni ha,,, ape pun i wish best of luck for everyone who sit for final exam.... ganbatte ne... :)